Phone: 440.275.1135

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The Graham Mountain Foundation is a nonprofit organization formed to help with conservation and charitable efforts in the Appalachian Region.  Our current activity is being conducted in the states of Ohio and West Virginia.  

In the state of West Virginia, timber and mountaintop removal coal mining is destroying the ecological and economic character of the area, and we are trying to preserve lands to avoid this destruction.  Our group of volunteers are actively preserving mountain areas and burial grounds located outside of Beckley, West Virginia.  

We will strive to protect the natural beauty of the lands, mountains, rivers, and streams of Appalachia.   We promote community activities related to this cause.

Please donate today!

Steven Graham
Founding Member and CEO


We will promote the pressing challenges facing the protection, enjoyment, and conservation of the mountains, rivers, and streams of the Appalachian Region.  We will educate the public on the forces affecting the ecological and economic health of the area.  We will help preserve burial grounds in the region from intrusive development.


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